Certain cities change you. For whatever reason, you visit a city & it has a strange effect on you. You feel connected to it, at home, but still foreign at the same time.
The perfect combination of people, weather, nightlife, timing, & your very own mindset will grab you & make you desperate to return to that city.
I've met people that have yet to return home, they have fallen so deeply in love with this new place. Maybe that love will fade. Maybe that person will change. Maybe the city will change. But right here, right now, they are where they belong.
The perfect combination of people, weather, nightlife, timing, & your very own mindset will grab you & make you desperate to return to that city.
I've met people that have yet to return home, they have fallen so deeply in love with this new place. Maybe that love will fade. Maybe that person will change. Maybe the city will change. But right here, right now, they are where they belong.